• Waseda Institute for East Asian Legal Studies : HOME

Waseda Institute for East Asian Legal Studies

This research laboratory is primarily engaged in researches on the legal system and legal culture in East Asia as one of Waseda University Comprehensive Organization Research Project Institutes. While collecting and arranging of historical source books, such as Hōin(法院) in Taiwan and Korea of a Japan sway period, and arranging and retaining the instrument source materials of the colonial-administration persons concerned, we study development of law, jurisprudence and legal education, the plantation operation in modern Japan and influence of Japanese law in the laws in East Asian countries in a prewar-days term. Moreover, in order to promote collaboration between researchers of this field, we also aim to develop a research network.


Director WANI, Kaya   (Professor, Waseda University Faculty of Law)

Research Project

This Institute currently working on digitalization of judicial records in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period as one of the research projects. So far the Institute have published “Microfilm version Documents of Santaro Okamatsu possessed by Waseda University Library” (122 reels) and “List of Documents of Santaro Okamatsu” from Yushodo Publisher. In addition, we have published “List of Documents of Tatsuo Chikusa” and “List of Documents of Kishi Miyauchi”under “Database” of this website. Please see “Research Project” of this website for details.


You can currently search “List of Documents of Tatsuo Chikusa” and “List of Documents of Kishi Miyauchi”through this database (Japanese ONLY). These two lists are cross-searchable.

What’s New

2024/12/25 An article introducing our Institute was published in the Waseda University Comprehensive Research Organization's website, "A Quick Visit to a Project Research Institute!"
2024/12/17 【Obituary】
Prof. Tetsuo Kato, an advisor to our institute and professor emeritus at Waseda University, passed away on December 14, 2024. We would like to express our deepest condolences and pray for his soul.
2024/10/09 On October 10, President Chang, Sheng-Hsin from the Judges Academy Taiwan and his delegation visited our Institute and Waseda Law School. For details, please refer to the "Activities" page.
2024/10/01 Prof. Junichiro Matsuzono at Hitotsubashi University has become a Guest Researcher of the Institute on October 1, 2024. See, “Members.”
2024/08/01 Publication Notice. Hiroshi Asako and Kaya Wani(eds.), “The Legacy of Santaro Okamatsu,” has been published by Seibundo Publishing.
2024/07/05 On July 5, 2024, President Ker, Li-Ling from the Academy for the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan and her delegation visited our Institute and Waseda Law School. For details, please refer to the "Activities" page.
2023/12/01 As of December 1st, 2023, Prof. Chan-In Chiang at Waseda University has become an Institute Member. Prof. Arata Hirai at Tokai University has also become a Guest Researcher of the Institute. See “Members.”
2023/04/06 The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Legal History Association will be held on June 10 (Sat.) and 11 (Sun.), 2023, at the Okuma Memorial Auditorium (Small Auditorium), Waseda University. For more information, please visit the " Japan Legal History Association " web page.
2022/09/23 On November 12, we will host an international symposium “OKAMATSU SANTARO 150 the Anniversary International Symposium Colonial Law and Academic Intelligence in East Asia.” For details, visit “Symposiums.”
2022/06/01 As of June 1st, the former Director Tetsuo Kato has become an Advisor. See “Members” page.
2022/01/08 The 20th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2021/04/01 As of April 1st, 2021, Prof. Yuko Fujino at Waseda University has become an Institute Member. Prof. Michitaro Urakawa, Prof. Tetsuo Kato, Prof. Ichiro Nitta, Prof. Yun-Ru Chen and Prof. Cho Guk have also become a Guest Researcher of the Institute. See “Members.”
2020/04/01 As of April 1st, Professor Kaya Wani has assumed the Director position. See “Members” page.
2019/12/21 The 19th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2019/10/19 The 18th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2019/10/01 Prof. Shigeru Ohta at Nihon University has become a Guest Researcher of the Institute on October 1, 2019. See, “Members.”
2019/06/01 As of June 1st, Professor Ken Yamamoto at Waseda Law School has become an Institute Member. See “Members.”
2019/03/31 Professor Asako’s editorial book, “Kindaiho no keisei to jissen – 19 seiki Nihon ni okeru zaiya hoso no sekai” [Formation and Practice of Modern Law – the World of Private Lawyers in Japan in 19th Century], Hiroshi Asako ed. (Waseda Institute of Comparative Law Book Series No.46), the translated book of Darryl E. Flaherty, Public Law, Private Practice : Politics, Profit, and the Legal Profession in Nineteenth-Century Japan, (Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Asia Center, 2013) was published.
2018/11/17 The 17th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2018/10/25 Prof. Kyoko Goto at Kokushikan University and Prof. Yachiko Yamada at Chuō Univershity has become a Guest Researcher of the Institute on October 1, 2018. See, “Members.”
2018/10/01 As of October 1st, Professor Kaya Wani at Waseda University has become an Institute Member. See “Members.”
2018/06/30 The 16th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2018/04/20 Professor Itaru Yamanaka(Guest Researcher of the Institute) published a research note “Rule of Reason found in Appellate and High Court in Taiwan” in Project Research (published by Waseda University Comprehensive Research Institute) Vol.13.
2018/04/02 Our application for Grants in Aid for Scientific Research (Scientific Research (A)) for FY2018-FY2022 was accepted.
2018/04/01 As of April 1st, Professor Tetsuo Kato has assumed the Director position, and the former Director Hiroshi Asako has become an Advisor. Professor Katsunori Kai at Waseda University has become an Institute Member, and Associate Professor Kaya Wani at Kyushu University has become a Guest Researcher. See “Members” page.
2018/03/10 We provided the digital database of the original criminal case records of the Taichu Discrict Court during Japanese ruling preserved by the Taiwan Academy for Judiciary, Ministry of Justice (a part of research product of KAKENHI No. 21243001 and No. 26245002) to the Academy and National Taiwan University Library.
2017/10/14 The 15th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.
2017/07/08 The 14th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.
2016/12/17 The 13th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.
2016/11/19 The 12th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.
2016/09/10 Professor Yuko Fujino (Guest Researcher of the Institute, Associate Professor at Tokyo Women's Christian University) won the 42nd TIMR Fujita Award (by Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research) for her publication of “Toshi to bōdō no minshūshi – Tokyo 1905-1923 (Urban Riots and Culture of Popular Violence in Prewar Japan: Tokyo, 1905-1923) from Yushisha Publisher.
2016/04/23 The 11th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held. For details, visit “Symposiums/Research Meetings.”
2015/10/30 Professor Yuko Fujino (Guest Researcher of the Institute) published “Toshi to bōdō no minshūshi – Tokyo 1905-1923 (Urban Riots and Culture of Popular Violence in Prewar Japan: Tokyo, 1905-1923) from Yushisha Publisher.
2015/04/15 Professor Hsiu hua Chiang(Guest Researcher of the Institute) published a research note “Taiwan chūgoku niokeru sabisu bōeki kyōtei ni tsuiteno kenshō Taiwan no gakusei undō o megutte (Verification of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement between Mainland Chaina and Taiwan– Over the student movement in Taiwan – )” in Project Research (published by Waseda University Comprehensive Research Institute) Vol.10.
2014/03/12 “List of Documents of Kishi Miyauchi” is published on the webpage “Database.” You can cross-search “List of Documents of Tatsuo Chikusa” and “List of Documents of Kishi Miyauchi” through this database (Japanese ONLY).