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OKAMATSU SANTARO 150 the Anniversary International Symposium: Colonial Law and Academic Intelligence in East AsiaWaseda Institute for East Asian Legal Studies
Date: November 12 (Sat) 9:40am (JST)
Chair: OKAMATSU, Akiko (Professor, Hosei University)
Opening Address by WANI, Kaya (Professor, Waseda University & Director of Waseda Institute for East Asian Legal Studies)
Disclosure of Documents and Materials Formerly Owned by Okamatsu Family
Reporter: ASAKO, Hiroshi (Professor Emeritus, Waseda University)
Commentator:WU, Hao-Jen (Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University)
Okamatsu Santaro as a Scholar
Reporter:TAGUCHI, Masaki (Professor, University of Tokyo)
Commentator:FUJINO, Natsuko (Professor, Chiba University of Commerce)
Okamatsu Santaro as a University Professor
Reporter: NISHIYAMA, Shin (Professor, Kyoto University)
Commentator:OBINATA, Sumio (Professor Emeritus, Waseda University)
Civil Law Jurisprudence by Okamatsu Santaro
Reporter:JEONG, Jonghyu (Professor Emeritus, Chonnam National University)
Commentator:URAKAWA, Michitaro (Professor Emeritus, Waseda University)
Okamatsu Santaro in Taiwan
Reporter:WANG, Tay-sheng (Professor, National Taiwan University)
Commentator:NITTA, Ichiro (Professor, University of Tokyo)
Venue: Ono Azusa Memorial Auditorium, Waseda University (in person and ZOOM online)
※The event may be held ALL online depending on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic.
※Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese, Chinese and English will be provided.
[Application] Registration is required. Due date is November 4 (Fri.)
Please register from the following URL:
Click here to view the flyer.
*This symposium is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (18H03618, represented by Hiroshi Asako)
Mini-Symposium “Study and Policy Proposals by Santaro Okamatsu”(April 27, 2003, Waseda University, at the 55th General Meeting of Japan Legal History Association)
[Study Reports]
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Outline of the Report”
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Santaro Okamatsu as a scholar”
URAKAWA, Michitaro “Santaro Okamatsu and Education of Civil Code – Education of Civil Code implied by Exam Questions”
OKAMOTO, Makiko “Santaro Okamatsu and Taiwan – From the Relationship with the Provisional Investigation Committee on Old Customs in Taiwan”
KOBAYASHI, Hideo “Establishment of the South Manchuria Railway Co. Ltd. and Santaro Okamatsu”
JEONG, Jong Hyu “Comment (1) From the Viewpoint of History of Civil Code in East Asia”
HARUYAMA, Meitetsu “Comment (2) from the Viewpoint of Taiwan Study”
Session Presentation “Juris Doctor Santaro Okamatsu and Legislation Policy of Governor-General of Taiwan” at the 5th General Meeting of Japan Association for Taiwan Studies(June 14, 2003, Kansai University)
[Study Reports]
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Life of Santaro Okamatsu and Related Documents”
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Academic Activities and Policy Proposals by Santaro Okamatsu – Focusing on the Relationship with Shinpei Goto”
OKAMOTO, Makiko “Organizational Management and Research Methodology of the Provisional Investigation Committee on Old Customs in Taiwan”
HARUYAMA, Meitetsu “Ruling Law of Taiwan and Private Law in Taiwan – Over Legislation Policy of Governor-General of Taiwan”
Commentators: KAWASHIMA, Shin & KOMAGOME, Takeshi
Waseda University & Chonnam National University Academic Symposium “New Developments and Challenges of Jurisprudence in Japan and Korea in the 21st Century”(February 20, 2006, Waseda University)
[Papers Presented]
JEONG, Byung Seok “Keynote Speech”
SHIN, Chang Seon “Impacts of International Private Law in the German-speaking sphere on Korean International Private Law”
Comments by DOGAUCHI, Masato
CHA, Seon Ja “New Developments of Gender Law in Korea”
Comments by ASAKURA, Mutsuko
ROH, Sang Heon “Features and Challenges of the Framework of Public Nursing Care Legislation”
Comments by KIKUCHI, Yoshimi
CHUNG, Hwan Dam, “Features of Korean Family Law System and the Issues of Debate Over its Reform”
Comments by TANAMURA, Masayuki and IWASHI, Waichiro
JEONG, Jong Hyu “Past, Present, and Future of Korean Civil Code”
Comments by OHMI, Koji
Waseda University & Chonnam National University Academic Symposium “Empire and Legal System under Colony I”(July 18, 2009, Waseda University)
[Papers Presented]
RYU, Chen Chel “Impacts of Japanese Criminal Law to Korean Criminal Law)
Comments by MATSUBARA, Yoshihiro
SEONG, Seung Hyeon “Formation of the Theory on Three Categories of Breach of Obligations in Korean Civil Code and Civil Code Jurisprudence in Japan”
Comments by URAKAWA, Michitaro
HAM, In Seon “Administrative Law System under Japanese Colonization”
Comments by OKADA, Masanori
KIM, Soon Suk “Corporate Law System under Japanese Colonization”
Comments by EGASHIRA, Kenjiro
JEONG, Jong Hyu “Role of Kenjiro Ume in Modernization of Korean Law”
Comments by LEE, Young Mee)
Research Meetings
- The 1st Seminar of “Okamatsu Documents” (June 1, 2000, Waseda University)
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Documents and Materials formerly possessed by Okamatsu Family” - The 2nd Seminar of “Okamatsu Documents” (November 25, 2000, Waseda University)
ANDO, Masahito “Arrangement and Making a List of Related Documents in the Paper Bag”
MIZUNO, Tamotsu “Arrangement of Documents relating to the Government-General of Taiwan” - The 3rd Seminar of “Okamatsu Documents” (June 9, 2001, Waseda University)
CHIANG, Chan In & OKAMOTO, Makiko “For Investigation of Materials Located in Taiwan – Memorandum of Research and Conditions of Materials” - The 4th Seminar of “Okamatsu Documents” (July 13, 2002, Waseda University)
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Problems in Arranging Documents and Materials formerly possessed by Okamatsu Family” - The 5th Seminar of “Okamatsu Documents” (January 11, 2003, Waseda University)
KOBAYASHI, Hideo “Establishment of the South Manchuria Railway Co. Ltd. and Santaro Okamatsu”
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Santaro Okamatsu as a Scholar” - The 1st Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 6, 209, Waseda University)
ASAKO, Hiroshi “About the Criminal Judicial Record Possessed by the Judges and Prosecutors Training Institute” - The 2nd Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 6, 209, Waseda University)
FUJINO, Yuko “Summary of Kishi Miyauchi Documents and its Arrangement Condition”
FUJINO, Natsuko “Santaro Okamatsu and Roman Law – Beginning of a Study of Roman Criminal Law in Japan”
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Santaro Okamatsu and Dalian” - The 3rd Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 6, 209, Waseda University)
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Comparison of the Archives and Records Legislation in East Asia – Korea, China, and Taiwan”
NAKAAMI, Emiko “A Case Report on Consular Jurisdiction of Japan in Korea in the late 19th Century” - The 4th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (September 7, 2010, Kumamoto University)
OKAMOTO, Makiko “The Appointment System and the Salary System of the Bureaucrats in the Government-General of Korea – the Mixed Jurisdiction and Ethnicity of Korea, Taiwan, and Mainland Japan”
YAMANAKA, Itaru “About the Classification of plotted Murder and Manslaughter – Based on Criminal Judicial Records at the Judges and Prosecutors Training Institute” - The 5th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (July 9, 2011, Waseda University)
FUJINO, Yuko “Possibilities and Challenges of ‘Extract Copies’ of Judicial Records”
TAGUCHI, Morikazu “Criminal Litigation in Okinawa under the Rule of the United States ” - The 6th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 29, 2013, Waseda University)
Theme: “Role of Judicial Bureaucrats and Attorneys under the Imperial Constitution”
IWATANI, Juro “Significance of Appearance of “Intellectual” Judges from the View of Modern History”
HASHIMOTO, Seiichi “Comments to Iwatani Book” (Cf. Iwatani Book: “Legal Interpretation and Lawyers of Japan in Meiji Era”
MURAKAMI, Kazuhiko “A Study of Attorneys in Taisho and Early Showa Period – Focusing on Tatsuji Fuse” - The 7th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 21, 2014, Waseda University)
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Recent Trend of East Asian Legal Studies in Harvard University”
NITTA, Ichilo “Unfamiliar Stories about Keijo(京城) Tenshinro(天真楼)” - The 8th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (December 6, 2014, Waseda University)
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Independent Movement and Application of Public Preservation Law under the Rule of Japan”
CHEN, Yun Ru, “Paradox of Family Law in East Asia in the Period of Colonization – Taiwan as a Node) - The 9th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (July 4, 2015, Waseda University)
MORGAN, Jason “The Issue of Comfort Women – Trend of American Academic Circle of History”
NAKAAMI, Emiko “Role of British Council in Japan as a Dispute Handler in Meiji Period” - The 10th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (December 12, 2015, Waseda University)
OTA, Shigeru “Secret History of Japan-China Peace Overture? One Kamikaze Pilot’s Story”
OZAWA, Takashi “Corporate Punishment in Taisho Period – Focusing on Reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure” - The 11th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (April 23, 2016, Waseda University)
JONES, Colin "One Giant Test Site: Manchukuo's Civil Code and Wagatsuma Sakae"
YAMANAKA, Itaru “A Conflict between the Convention and Reason over the Meiji Civil Code Article 813 under the Colonial Taiwan” 【Canceled】
We express our sincere sorrow for those people who lost their lives in the Kumamoto earthquakes, and our deep sympathy for all those affected. We also sincerely hope that the victims affected can receive emergency disaster relief immediately and affected areas can undergo recovery and reconstruction without delay. - The 12th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (November 19, 2016, Waseda University)
FLAHERTY, Darryl “Public Law, Private Practice: Politics, Profit, and the Legal Profession in Nineteenth-Century Japan” - The 13th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (December 17, 2016, Waseda University)”
OTA, Shigeru “(Supplementary Report) Safeguard flight for ‘Mikasanomiya’ in Shanghai – Testimony of one Kamikaze fighter”
ASAKO, Hiroshi “Research Note: The End of the Trial by The Courts of the Government-General of Korea”
YAMANAKA, Itaru “Rule of reason found in Appellate and High Court in Taiwan” - The 14th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (July 8, 2017, Waseda University)”
Cheng-Yu, LIN “Legislation and practice on the prison chaplain in Taiwan and Korea during colonization”
Ryosuke, YAMAGUCHI “Development of the first half of the year 1874 and the legislative opinion of Georges Hilaire Bousquet regarding the plan to establish Appellate Court” - The 15th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (October 14, 2017, Waseda University)”
Makiko, OKAMOTO “Personnel affairs of the Taiwan Governor-General Court in early stages of colonial administration ― Focusing on public records of Taiwan Governor-General”
Hiroshi, ASAKO “Custom and Law: Mixture of Taiwan custom research and Japanese law” - The 16th Seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (June 30, 2018, Waseda University)”
CHIANG, Yung Po, “Problems of judicial disposition and administrative disposition in early colonial Taiwan – the murder case in aboriginal areas under the jurisdiction of the Linyipu Aboriginal Affair and Development Agency as an example.” - The 17th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (November 17, 2018, Waseda University)
Makiko Okamoto, “Court Interpreters in Taiwan in early Japan’s ruling – Multiple Language Society and Human Resources for Court Interpretation”
Itaru Yamanaka, “The Origin of Bousatsu zai (intended murder) and Kosatsu zai (unintended murder) under the Old Criminal Code” - The 18th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (October 19, 2019, Waseda University)
Aki Kishimoto, “About the Working Project on Reprinting Santaro Okamatsu Documents”
Hiroshi Asako, “Japanese Courts’ Records Management System: Current Practices and Legal Implications.” - The 19th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (December 21, 2019, Waseda University)
OKAMATSU, Akiko “Study and Life of Yokoku Okamatsu - In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of his Birth”
OZAWA, Takashi “On Commercial Custom Survey in Hakodate by Niichiro Matsunami, the Assistant to the Drafting Member of the Investigation Committee of Codes” - The 20th seminar of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” (January 8, 2022, Waseda University, a hybrid format of online and in-person)
TSUDA, Mamoru <Professor Emeritus at Osaka University and at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies> “Legal Interpreting/Translation and Legal Interpreter/Translator in Contemporary Japan: An Overview from the Point of View of a Practitioner”
- “Exhibition of Documents and Materials formerly owned by Okamatsu Family for the 55th General Meeting of Japan Legal History Association” was held from April 22 to 27, 2003, at Waseda University Library.
- “Exhibition of Documents of Santaro Okamatsu – Viewing East Asia 〈Modern〉” was held from April 21 to 29, 2009 at the Exhibition Room of Waseda University Library.